Channel partners a crucial ally in new-age storage wars

Channel Partners a Crucial Ally in New-Age Storage Wars | Nasuni

October 5, 2016

hdr_smChannel players discuss role partners have in storage vendor competition and how margins apply

Storage competition is certainly no walk in the park these days. Nutanix’s successful IPO this week proves just that, showing that hyperconverged players are notable combatants in the storage wars the channel is witnessing. According to storage vendors, channel partners represent crucial allies in this technological struggle.

When it comes to end-user needs in this space, the key is operational simplicity, according to Dave Kresse, VP of products and alliances at Nimble Storage. This means the channel’s goal should be listening to customers’ problems and applying the operational simplicity of a selected technology to their use case, he says.

 “Regardless of the solution you’re delivering, as a channel partner, understand the ability to explain the operational simplicity of that solution and architecture and ensure that what you’re delivering is becoming an important part of the value proposition,” Kresee tells Channelnomics.

Andres Rodriguez, founder, president and CEO of enterprise file services vendor Nasuni, agrees, noting that no-one is in a better position to be the “impartial arbitrator of the best technology for a certain problem” than channel partners.

Click here to read Channelnomics full article

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