Healthcare and life sciences

A hybrid cloud platform for healthcare and life sciences lets you effortlessly scale research

Research data in healthcare and life sciences is growing in size and complexity. With a hybrid cloud platform, take advantage of on-demand and effortless capacity that facilitates easy, low-cost cloud storage and sharing for pharma data. Unlock efficiencies and collaboration that expedite drug discovery, development, and delivery.


Infrastructure for faster innovation

Life science and pharmaceutical professionals need to be able to set up projects, research teams, and data sharing infrastructure on demand. Once teams are in place, they need to be able to share even the largest files quickly and efficiently, while maintaining copies of older files indefinitely. Nasuni’s global file system, edge caching, and file synchronization enable your users to share even the largest files across teams — without cloud latency.

Gain best-in-class data protection and compliance

The Nasuni File Data Platform gives your researchers, scientists, and healthcare providers cloud storage capacity that helps you meet unanticipated project demands. Nasuni’s unique approach means we take a fixed snapshot of your files every few minutes so they can’t be corrupted or lost. We can hold thousands of previous versions of a single research file. Our state of the art security with encryption replaces hard-to-scale NAS, giving you proactive ransomware protection, disaster recovery, backup, and mitigation with GMP and FedRamp support. All in one platform that supports both public and private on-premises cloud configurations.

Build an unshakeable foundation for compliance

We’re all searching for new ways to adapt to an uncertain and highly regulated landscape. By using Microsoft Azure, AWS, or Google Cloud Storage as the primary target for customer file data, Nasuni offers all the physical, technical, and administrative safeguards of the major cloud vendors. That’s complemented by our encryption of data in flight and at rest and file snapshots that never change, giving you the built-in security and governance needed to support requirements like GMP and FedRAMP.

Reap time- and money-saving efficiencies

Avoid the cost and complexity of array-based snapshots, replication, backup software, media servers, and on-site and off-site backup storage for your file data. With Nasuni’s OpEx business model, you can expand and contract storage capacity as needed. Nasuni makes it easy to overcome cloud interoperability issues to seamlessly move files without disrupting access. It’s simple to use and standardize on, and it reduces your data center footprint by putting vast amounts of research data closer to end users.

See how Nasuni makes healthcare and life sciences cloud storage and access better


By moving to Nasuni, we consolidated our two main file shares in London and avoided the expense of refreshing the aging file server infrastructure at our satellite offices. Nasuni has played a key part in our larger strategic shift to becoming a more agile, cloud-first organization.

Tom Steven, Server Engineer, Macmillan Cancer Support

Moving to this hybrid cloud solution is enabling us to focus our limited time and resources on growing, running, and transforming our business, rather than running an ever-expanding datacenter. And Nasuni Professional Services made the transition to the new solution seamless.

R. Todd Thomas, CIO, ARA Diagnostic Imaging

Related resources

Turn research into results faster with a hybrid cloud storage infrastructure