Hybrid Cloud Backup: D2D2C Emerging as a Viable Data Backup Strategy
D2D2C Emerging as Viable Data Backup Strategy – Nasuni|D2D2C Emerging as Viable Data Backup Strategy – Nasuni
May 19, 2011
Today, the cloud stirs up all manner of possibilities for handling data protection, but the cloud also brings many challenges: security, bandwidth, connection availability and data recovery.
Perhaps in response to these issues, innovators in this space are blending the capabilities of traditional onsite backup systems with cloud storage, so that the best of both worlds is available to users—an onsite component captures and restores data at high speed, while older data is moved to the cloud. Hybrid cloud backup, or disk-to-disk-to-cloud (D2D2C), is turning the cloud into an accessible and useful component of the data protection infrastructure today.