Cash-laden backers chuck $35 MEELLLION into the clouds

Cash-laden Backers Chuck $35 MEELLLION Into The Clouds | Nasuni

August 14, 2014

Cloud storage gateway, cloudy backup bods net new funding

Venture capitalists have been tossing money into the burgeoning cloud space with a $10m funding boost to cloud storage gateway upstart Nasuni and the chucking of $25m into cloudy backup firm Druva’s burlap sack.

Nasuni’s fresh $10m funding round takes its total funding to $53m. Here’s the funding history from Crunchbase:

  • Founded April 2009
  • December 2009 – A-round – $8m from North Bridge Venture Partners and Sigma Partners
  • December 2010 – B-round – $15m from North Bridge, Sigma and Flybridge Capital Partners
  • October 2012 – C-round – $20m from Sigma, North Bridge and Flybridge
  • August 2014 – D-round – $10m Flybridge, North Bridge and Sigma plus a strategic investor

Who is the strategic investor? It could be an existing storage supplier or cloud service provider wanting to keep its head down.

Click here to read The Register’s full article

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