Next-Level Enterprise Cybersecurity: What You Should Know About Nasuni’s Zero-Day Threat Detection Update

Ben Clark discusses why a multi-layered approach to enterprise cybersecurity is essential and dives into Nasuni’s latest 9.14 ransomware protection product update.

February 7, 2024

File data is generally an organization’s largest data footprint, and one of the most common targets for ransomware attacks. A multi-layered approach when it comes to enterprise cybersecurity is essential, including an infrastructure platform with built-in cyber-storage capabilities to add extra protection for your valuable files while enabling I&O leaders to assume some data security responsibility. Nasuni makes this easy with a streamlined approach to security and ransomware remediation all built into the platform that I&O leaders use daily, while connecting to the SecOps teams through integrations to provide additional visibility and coordination of data security across the organization.

The key to ensuring file resilience when it comes to ransomware is having the ability to detect, stop and recover from any threats quickly. These pillars are the foundation of Nasuni’s ransomware protection solution, built around the NIST framework, to deliver extremely fast detection at the edge, limit the blast radius by stopping attacks quickly, and with Nasuni’s patented rapid recovery process, recover millions of files in a minute.

Nasuni’s Detection Advantage

Detection at the edge gives Nasuni customers an edge. It means detection is happening in real-time, not waiting to analyze a copied back-up. Nasuni edge instances are the frontline of our data protection strategy, sending unlimited snapshots to the cloud at very tight intervals, where they become immutable objects, impervious to ransomware, and allow for fast recovery. Backup, on the other hand, is slow to detect, slow to recover, and ultimately does not protect your business.

Now Introducing Advanced Ransomware Detection

In this 9.14 upgrade, it is all about making detection even better. The protection solution is still detecting ransomware attacks quickly at the edge. It is still receiving multiple updates a day from a database of the latest known ransomware signatures, but in addition to this, it is now monitoring file activity for destructive actions and behavior associated with the nature of any ransomware attack coming into the system and encrypting files.

The impact of this change is that the detection algorithm can now identify attacks that are not on the known list of ransomware signatures. This includes unknown and zero-day ransomware variants that have not been seen or have not made it on any known list. In addition to this, Nasuni 9.14 will detect ransomware variants that do not use a static signature.

This is critical. Ransomware attackers are becoming more sophisticated, and detection solutions must be prepared to detect variants that don’t always show themselves with signatures like “.deadbolt” or “.WannaCry”, but instead come with signatures based on randomly generated characters. Looking for key destructive actions allows us to pick up on all suspicious activity, regardless of the type of attack.

Internally, we are very excited about the features attached to this new release, as we feel they truly differentiate and add strength to the Nasuni File Data Platform’s ability to stay resilient against ransomware. Your company’s file data is extremely valuable and often a large target for hackers because it is distributed across multiple legacy systems with multiple backup protocols. Having enterprise cybersecurity capabilities built into a unifying file data platform is a powerful way to combat this threat. We are committed to keeping up with advances in detection and incorporating them in our product automatically, guaranteeing that customers who buy Nasuni today are safe from the threats of tomorrow.

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