Infographic: Top 3 Questions About Migrating to the Cloud

February 16, 2022

Every large organization with an eye to the future is thinking about migrating their file infrastructure to the cloud, if they haven’t done it already. The benefits are undeniable. Instead of saddling your company with more hardware, you can deliver the scale, savings, and simplicity of flexible cloud file services in a single package. The choice is pretty simple.

But that migration can be intimidating, right?

Here at Nasuni, we’ve built teams, processes, and systems designed to accelerate cloud file infrastructure migrations. The sooner we get our customers running in the cloud, the faster you achieve ROI and start enjoying all the benefits of our platform. Everybody’s happier.

Still, there are always concerns, and here I’d like to address the three most common questions about migrating your file infrastructure to the cloud. With input from our Professional Services teams and several of our customers, we created this simple, easy-to-read infographic with all the key questions answered.

Ransomware Infographic

The questions will probably be familiar to anyone out there who’s considering this shift for their own organization. The infographic has the details, too, but I’ll address them quickly here as well.

1. How much cloud experience does my team need?
None! Seriously. Or not with Nasuni, anyway. We build out your team’s cloud skills as part of a training package. We take them from beginner to expert in no time.

2. How long will the migration take?
Well, that depends, but we’ve gotten really, really good at moving petabytes of file data into the cloud really fast. We developed and honed this process with some of the largest, most complex organizations in the world. Literally. As a new customer, you get to benefit from all the knowledge and experience we acquired through those projects.

3. How much time and effort will be needed to manage Nasuni after we cut over?
Nasuni means no more babysitting backups. No extended downtime, even after a ransomware attack. No more manually transferring files so they can be worked on in more than one location. Our customers tell us they spend 60% less time managing their file infrastructure. That gives you more time to focus on strategic, high-value work. Or enjoy longer lunches and coffee breaks. That’s your call.

Listen to our Customers!
Take a look at our Customer Success and Professional Services page for more details on how we make migrations easier and why we’ve been working so hard to accelerate your shift. And definitely check out our stellar reviews on Peerspot, including these independent takes on our migration process:

“To someone who has concerns about migration to the cloud and about Nasuni’s performance in that area, I would say that there is no worry at all about using it.”

“Over one weekend, we migrated the data.”

Okay, so we can’t guarantee that we’ll finish the job in a weekend for everyone — especially our multi-PB global customers — but I can say that we’ll make the process as fast and painless as possible.

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